
書籍出版 海風社 書籍案内

  • SUMI workbook
  • SUMI workbook

    Christine Flint Sato


    一般書 墨ワークブック / 並製・A4判 / 136頁 / 2014/7 初版

    ISBN 978-4-87616-031-0 C1070








SUMI workbook

SUMI workbook

Christine Flint Sato


一般書 墨ワークブック / 並製・A4判 / 136頁 / 2014/7 初版


◆ Introduction
Ⅰ Introduction  0
Ⅱ The Nature and Experience of Sumi Arts  2
◆ Chapter 1 : The Tools and Materials
Ⅰ Introducing the Tools and Materials  6
・ Sumi
・ Inkstone
・ Brushes
・ Paper
Ⅱ Interaction of Tools and Materials  12
・ Sumi and Paper
・ Sumi and Brushes
・ Sumi and Inkstone
・ Brushes and Paper
Ⅲ Care and Maintenance  14
・ Sumi Stick
・ Inkstone
・ Brushes
・ Paper

◆ Chapter 2 : Getting Started
Ⅰ Getting Started with Sumi  16
・ Grinding the Sumi
・ Holding the Brush
・ Sumi Work
EXERCISES:Warming Up  18
Ⅱ Working Hints  20
・ Some General Points
・ Working Hints

◆ Chapter 3 : Sumi Design Elements
Ⅰ Sumi Dots  22
EXERCISES:Work with Dots  26
Ⅱ Sumi Lines  28
EXERCISES:Work with Lines  32
Ⅲ Sumi Shapes  38
EXERCISES:Work with Shapes  42

◆ Chapter 4 : Sumi Techniques and Effects
Ⅰ Sumi Effects and Paper  46
Ⅱ Gradation and Multi-Tonal Strokes  48
EXERCISES:Work with Gradation  50
EXERCISES:Work with Traditional Multi-Tonal Strokes  54
Ⅲ Wet Brush Techniques : Sumi Spreads  60
EXERCISES:Work with Sumi Spreads  62
Ⅳ Wet Brush Techniques : Washes  70
・ Washes on Unsized Paper
・ Washes on Sized Paper
・ Dropping Sumi into a Wash
EXERCISES:Work with Washes  78
Ⅴ Dry Brush Techniques  82
EXERCISES:Work with Dry Brush Techniques  84
Ⅵ Combining Sumi Lines and Wet Brush Techniques  90
EXERCISES:Work with Sumi Lines and Wet Brush Techniques  92

◆ Chapter 5 : More Sumi Techniques
Ⅰ Experiment with More Sumi Techniques!  98
Ⅱ Traditional Methods of Learning Ink Painting and Calligraphy  100

◆ Chapter 6 : Composing a Sumi Artwork
Ⅰ Some Hints  102
Ⅱ Japanese Design Elements 1 04
Ⅲ Ideas for Artwork  106

◆ Chapter 7 : Gallery
Ⅰ Sumi Workshop Paintings  108
Ⅱ Author’s Sumi Paintings  116

◆ Glossary  128
◆ Recommended Suppliers  129

第一章: 道具と材料
一. 道具と材料の紹介

二. 道具と材料の作用
墨と紙 / 墨と筆 / 墨と硯 / 筆と紙

三. 手入れとメンテナンス
第二章: さあ始めよう
一. 墨を知る
二. 創作ヒント
第三章: 墨デザイン要素
一: 点を描く
二: 線を描く
三: 形を描く
第四章: 墨の技法と作用
一: 紙による変化
二: 「濃淡」と「付け立て」
三: 潤筆 – 「滲み」
四: 潤筆 – 「溌墨」
五: 乾筆
六: 線と潤筆を組みあわせよう
第五章: 墨の技法2
一: もっと墨の技法を使ってみよう
二: 昔ながらの書道と墨絵の練習法
第六章: 作品の作りかた
一: ヒント
二: 日本のデザイン要素
三: 作品になりえるテーマ
第七章: ギャラリー
一: ワークショップからの作品
二: 著者の作品



This workbook presents a new way to work with sumi (the Japanese word for Chinese ink). It is based on my training in Japanese calligraphy (shodō) and ink painting (sumi-e), and on exercises I have developed for sumi workshops I hold in the UK and Japan.
Sumi as a medium is not so well known in the West. East Asian calligraphy and ink painting are often exhibited in art museums, but actual experience and knowledge of the medium itself is scarce. It is usually assumed that you can only learn about the sumi medium by spending years in training with a Chinese or Japanese master. As with any art form, training is necessary, but it is possible to use and enjoy sumi without such a comittment. In fact, there is a tradition of non professional painters in both China and Japan, which attests to the medium’s more general appeal. In the sumi workshops I hold participants become deeply engrossed in the medium; they experiment, relax and have fun.
This workbook is for those who would like to try the medium for themselves and use it in their artwork. Techniques are introduced with a variety of motif or design to enable people from a wide range of backgrounds and different interests to try them out. Step by step exercises show how to practise the techniques, and include suggestions for further experimentation. In the last chapter I give some pointers about composing sumi artwork and list Japanese design elements which may be used.

 西洋では創作材料・素材として墨はあまり知られていません。美術館では東アジアの書道作品や墨絵はよく展示されていますが、個人が墨を使ったり、墨への知識をもっていることは稀です。よく思われがちなのは 、墨について学ぶときは何年も中国もしくは日本の師匠のもとで教えてもらわなければならないということです。もちろん、どの芸術分野にも言えることですが、習得するための練習は必要です。しかし、どこかの門をたたき何年にもわたり墨を学ぶことをしなくとも、楽しく墨を使うことは可能なのです。